Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Chip Defender

This is the first good html5 game I found, though it had problems with slowdown when lots of enemies are on screen. Though that isn't too much of a problem since user intervention isn't required frequently.

The second level required three or four tries, and maybe a dozen to beat the third hardest level. A few times I would make it to wave 97/100 with plenty of life left but then die abruptly, after an hour to get there. Later I figured out that putting the skull-and-bones weapons too closely together wasn't productive (two or more tend to waste their shots over-killing the same enemy but every enemy behind them will get past while they recharge).

The final configuration had the skull-and-bones every four or five squares along the track, a lot of life restoring weapons along the first length of the track, and an assortment of slowing defenses and double and single shot weapons everywhere else. It's crucial to build up to an energy level of 10000 or more by wave 95.